
Take it easy!




    看到别人娴熟的运用电脑,并时不时炫耀着令人惊讶的操作妙招时,是不是总是会有种不可名状的郁闷感?take it easy!本书将帮你重建电脑高手的成就感,教会你150个意想不到的省时实用的电脑操作的秒杀妙招!

    Take it easy-开源

    流行的棋盘/拼图游戏“ Take it easy”的perl实现,可以在计算机上玩



    This repository makes it easy to run your MATLAB tests

    This repository makes it easy to run your MATLAB tests on some of the most common CI platforms. The configuration files take care of setting up MATLAB and automatically executing your MATLAB tests.....

    Hello Swift! .pdf

    Apple’s Swift language, along with special coding playgrounds and an easy-to-use programming environment, make it easier than ever. Take it from author Tanmay Bakshi, who started programming when he...


    It reveals how deep learning models work, and takes you under the hood with an easy to follow process showing you how to build them faster than you imagined possible using the powerful, free R ...

    a code file of get time

    it's just a test of my upload things. take it easy

    Machine Learning Made Easy with R

    Once you have mastered the process, it will be easy for you to translate your knowledge to assess your own data. THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU IF YOU WANT: Focus on explanations rather than mathematical ...

    c++必知必会 英文版

    complex language, and learning it is never entirely easy. But some concepts and techniques must be thoroughly mastered if programmers are ever to do professional-quality work. This book cuts through ...

    Smart Home in easy Steps:Master Smart Technology for your Home 2018

    Smart Homes in easy steps shows you how to start to take advantage of the current smart technology that is beginning to revolutionise the way in which we run our homes! The idea of a smart home – ...

    Python_The Bible_3 Manuscripts in 1 book-Maurice J. Thompson(2018)

    It makes everything so easy! From the rich and well-designed standard library and built-ins to the availability of modules and numerous third-party open source libraries, very few programming ...


    It start right now and by the time you finish and implement the steps here, you will have learned everything there is to know in less than a day! Steps covered to become proficient in C Programming ...


    31. --- The exam was very easy, wasn't it? --- Yes, but I don't think _______ could pass it. A. somebody B. everybody C. nobody D. anybody 32. ---Tom finish the rest of your homework tonight and ____...


    Discover how easy it is to create custom charts with compelling effects and to display data in more meaningful ways. Manually format chart components Show trends in your data with line charts ...

    HTML Manual of Style, 4th Edition

    Take control, with the classic guide to HTML web authoring…now completely revised for the latest techniques and shortcuts, including HTML5! Build it right… Well-planned and well-organized Easy to...


    It seems to have a mind of its own, a mind that doesn't always want to take in the dry, technical stuff you're forced to study. The fact is your brain craves novelty. It's constantly searching, ...

    sip for python

    One of the features of Python ... SIP also makes it easy to take a Python application (maybe a prototype) and selectively implement parts of the application (maybe for performance reasons) in C or C++.


    This quick start guide will take you, even if you don’t have any coding experience,and turn you into an Android App Developer. Get your ideas out of your head and onto the mobile screens of millions ...


    One of the features of Python ... SIP also makes it easy to take a Python application (maybe a prototype) and selectively implement parts of the application (maybe for performance reasons) in C or C++.


    100道金牌面试题集绵,祝你稳稳的通过面试! 1. 一般情况下,面试官主要根据你的简历提问,所以一定要对自己负责,把简历上的东西搞明白;...5. 面试时要take it easy,对越是自己钟情的公司越要这样。

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